
Building a Lofi Synth Box using the Mozzi Arduino Library

Early prototyping ideas for a mozzi synth box

This week I have been playing around with some of the examples on the mozzi library for the Arduino. In this example, I’ve added a pot for volume and a photoresistor for pitch. I am going to continue exploring different aspects of the library to build a bigger synth prototype.

I’ve also been looking at some simple ways to generate tones with the Arduino.

Pushing The Envelope Generator
5 Basic Audio Synthesis Techniques To Try With Arduino
Have you ever thought about whether you should begin if you want to make a synthesizer with an Arduino? Well before you, start constructing racks for your first modular synth, its a good idea to get to grips with some of the basics. In this post, I will introduce you to five different ways that you can start to create tones with an Arduino without any a…
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Next I am going to start playing with oscillators and maybe even envelope generators.